[2020-Now] Assistant Professor, Fani's Lab!

Mahdis and Christine Birthday, Farinam Thanksgiving, CFI+ORF Grant Award, June 5, 2023. From Left Standing: Yoges, Reza, Gabriel, Hamed, Karan, Zahra, Roonak, Mahshad, Mohammad, Farinam, Hamed, Delaram. From Left Sitting: Christine, Arman, Nazia, Soroush, Mahdis, Hossein

On-campus Post-Covid19, Winter 2022.

Hossein Birthday, Sep. 9, 2022. L2R: Dhwani, Sara, Soroush, Karan, Mohammad, Farinam, Roonak, Shay, Mahshad, Alice, Yoges, Hamed, Hossein
[2014-2019] Research Assistant and Post-doctoral Fellow

"Influence of Real-World Events" - Pizza Day, Ahmed's Farewell, May 19, 2018. L2R: Thuan, Hossein, Jeff, Mahtab, Amin, Zoe, Kent, Hawre, Ahmed, Ebrahim, Eric, Jimmy, Alireza
Team Lead in NSERC Industrial Research Chair on Social Media Analytics
Laboratory for Systems, Software and Semantics (LS3)
Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Ryerson University
87 Gerrard St. East, Toronto, ON, M5B1G9
+1(416)979-5000; 552746

Mehdi's PhD Defence Celebration, LS3, April 19, 2017. L2R: Mahdi, Amin, Hawre, Mehdi, Hossein.
[2013-2014] Software Designer, Behsazan Mellat
Behsazan Mellat is the official software developing company behind the Bank Mellat software system solutions.
No. 4, Mojgan St., Dibaaji St., Dolat St., Ekhtiariye, Tehran, Iran. [35°47'10.2"N 51°27'38.8"E]

Rational Software Architect, Web Service, Java, DB2
- On-line Legal/Natural Customer Authentication from National Organization for Civil Registration
- On-Line Customer History Inquiry from Central Bank (Iran)
- Gift Card
- Balance Sheet Debugging for Inter-Bank Transactions

[2010-2013] Software Developer & Configuration Manager, System Group

- System Group ...
- 3rd Generation Products ...
- MIS Department, No. 20, Attar St., Vanaq Sq., Tehran, Iran
[35°45'45.7"N 51°24'26.3"E]
HosseinFN@SystemGroup.net+98 21 8338 2001; 5148

- Human Capital Management (HCM3)
Component-based 3-tier Web Application, .Net 4.0, Client-Server Service Layer, .Net Remoting, SQL Server 2008 - Human Resource Management (HRM)
Client-Server, .Net 2.0, .Net Remoting, SQL Server 2005